Jedi Council
Master Vahl
Specializations: Jedi Guardian & Blade Master
Age: 41
Species: Togruta
Gender: Male
Bio: Found at birth and brought to the jedi order, Master Vahl trained in the earliest days of the Ossus Jedi Order. Through teachings of those around him he gained knowledge and understanding about the force and was able to perform at a reasonably high level. However where his talents lay was use in a lightsaber. Though he was not the most talented of force users, his skill with a blade became unmatched over the years, surpassing his fellow students along the way. However this remains a humble journey for him, never hiding his knowledge or abilities from his fellow Jedi as it is his belief that as he grows stronger it his duty as a now Jedi Master, to pass on all that he knows and learns to the next generation.
Master Thir
Specializations: Jedi Sentinel & Shadow
Age: Unknown
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Male
Bio: The Twi'lek Jedi Master was raised within the order, starting his training from a very young age. Surpassing expectations of the trials ahead the young Twi'lek found himself quickly learning under numerous masters until he settled upon the Taris Jedi Temple as a Knight. There he would make home within the temple and under the guide of Master's Breill and Vahl he soon found himself preparing to move forward in his lifelong training to soon become a master. Though with the war between the Sith and Republic and the relocation to Ossus his training would have to wait.
Finally settling back on Ossus Thir would continue his training eventually becoming a master before later finding his seat upon the council. Through trial and tribulation, Thir's unyielding loyalty to the will of the Force and reverence for life in all its forms guided him to where he finds himself today.